Funeral Booklets
Funeral stationery helps you effortlessly enrich the Funeral or Memorial Service and honour the deceased. Often families like to organise printed Order of Service Booklets or Bookmarks that those attending may keep.
Front Cover - usually includes:
- Title eg
- A Celebration of the Life of NAME
- In Loving Memory of NAME
- Remembering NAME
- NAME Was One of a Kind
- NAME ...Forever in our Hearts
- NAME's hopes and dreams....interrupted
- Photo
- Date of Birth – Date of Death
- Place, date and time of the Funeral or Memorial Service
Back Cover
- Photo/s
- Thank yous and Acknowledgements
- Details of burial location (if applicable)
- Location of wake / refreshments
- Details of where donations can be made
Inside the booklet - 2 pages
Inside the cover you could have the details of the Funeral Service or Memorial Service. After creating the Service, your Funeral Celebrant can supply a list of headings for the Order of Service.
- Entrance music - Title and musician
- Welcome
- Readings
- Eulogy
- Memories and tributes
- Photo story / Visual tributes / Memories slideshow
- Reflection
- Farewell
- Exit Music - Title and musician
Other inclusions could be additional photos, verses, poems, favourite sayings, song lyrics - perhaps extracts from those used in the Funeral Service
NOTE: Ensure author(s), poets, writers, musicians are acknowledged on included works - under Copyright Law this is essential.
- Booklets are best printed on heavy card such as 250gsm stock.
- Spell check and proof-read the content. Ask one or two other people to check before printing.
- Estimate the number of booklets required, (include additional copies for family and close friends who cannot attend PLUS print a few keepsake copies for young members of your family
- Use easy to read fonts and type colours
- Numerous businesses offer design and print services for Funeral Booklets. Search Funeral Booklets or Funeral Order of Service booklets in your favourite search engine.
DOWNLOAD FREE Funeral Order of Service Templates here.
There are many websites where you can design and order your Funeral Booklets, Bookmarks etc if you want to organise them yourself. eg Farewell Services OR chat to your Funeral Director who may organise for you as part of their Funeral package.